What’s Currently Happening With Avengers 4, According To The Russo Brothers

What’s Currently Happening With Avengers 4, According To The Russo Brothers

23 minutes ago

The Marvel Cinematic Universe may have been producing massive blockbusters for the past ten years, but the studio really outdid itself with Avengers: Infinity War. The Russo Brothers returned to the MCU, uniting almost every major character in the shared universe for an epic battle against Josh Brolin's Thanos. Infinity War delivered on every front, and both casual moviegoers and the hardcore fans are practically shaking in anticipation for Avengers 4. The Russo Brothers ended the last movie by essentially destroying half the galaxy, so excitement couldn't be higher for the conclusion to arrive next year. The duel directors recently opened up about where Avengers 4 stands, with Anthony Russo saying:

We've worked on the edit all summer and we're excited to finally get these missing pieces in the film and then we expect to be in post through the fall and winter. We hope to be done by March.

It looks like the post-production side of Avengers 4 is in full effect, with the Russo Brothers and the film's editors hard at work to cut the highly anticipated blockbuster in time for its May release. And considering the amount of CGI and visual affects that went into Infinity War, one can only imagine what the movie looks like at this juncture.

Anthony Russo's comments to Deadline show how methodically the Russo Brothers have approached both Avengers: Infinity War, and the still untitled fourth Avengers movie. The projects were filmed basically on top of each other, providing its own puzzle of scheduling, NDA's, and green screens. Now the entire cinematic universe up until this point must be wrapped up, with the added pressure of having just devastated audiences with Infinity War's gut punching final moments.

Narratively, there's no telling where Avengers 4 will go, given Infinity War's insane ending. Thanos actually succeeded in his quest, and wiped out half the galaxy with the snap of his finger. The audience was left with Captain America wondering what was next, and there has been absolutely no information shared about the next movie's contents. Rumors are indicating a substantial time jump, which would explain some comments made by actress Gwyneth Paltrow. But how was the world continued to function after so many people vanished? It's Marvel meets The Leftovers, possibly bringing an wholly new experience to fans.

Many Marvel enthusiasts are assuming that the characters who were killed by Thanos' finger snap would eventually be resurrected. But how? One theory indicates they may be trapped within the Soul Stone. Another points to possible interdimensional or time travel, due to Ant-Man being trapped in the Quantum Realm. We'll just have to wait and see.

All will be revealed when Avengers 4 arrives in theaters on May 3rd, 2019. In the meantime, check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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