Samuel L. Jackson Reacts to Pulp Fiction/Brett Kavanaugh Mash-Up

Samuel L. Jackson Reacts to Pulp Fiction/Brett Kavanaugh Mash-Up

Politics is one of the rare topics that everyone seems to have an opinion. These days that’s not even limited to real people — just ask Pulp Fiction‘s Jules, the famously loquacious hitman played by Samuel L. Jackson. The actor has weighed in on the controversial U.S. Supreme Court nomination hearing of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

A mashup video posted by production company Elara Pictures is making the rounds on social media, featuring footage of Kavanaugh and Senator Lindsey Graham intercut with one of Jules’s most memorable monologues from the 1994 cult classic.

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“Now let me take a wild guess here,” Jules said as Judge Kavanaugh sat before his peers. “You’re Brett, right?”

“Right,” Kavanaugh responds.

“I thought so,” Jules replied.

The pair’s exchange goes on, with Kavanaugh saying he’s having beer for breakfast and Jules asking if he can also partake. At one point, when Kavanaugh is addressing the allegation of sexual assault that has overshadowed his nomination over the past few weeks, his statement, “I never sexually assaulted anyone,” is rebuked by Jules, who yells, “Yes, you did! Yes, you did, Brett!”

A snippet of Sen. Graham’s passionate defense of his colleague also makes an appearance, and as Graham described Kavanaugh as “warm, friendly, unassuming,” and the nicest person Graham knows, Jules once again breaks in with an equally vehement, “I don’t remember asking you a goddamn thing!”

The editing between real footage and film reel is tight, which has tickled the funny bones of many on social media. It has also caught Jackson’s attention, who replied with a tweet of his own after watching the parody video for himself.

Funny as hell, but there’s nothing funny about his Lying Fratboy Ass!!!

— Samuel L. Jackson (@SamuelLJackson) September 28, 2018

“Funny as hell, but there’s nothing funny about his Lying Fratboy Ass!!!” Jackson tweeted along with a link to the video.

Jackson’s opinion on the matter seems clear. For the rest of the Internet, many people are looking for a bit of comic relief from all things political, and some well-placed lines from a 24-year-old Tarantino film are providing just that.

KEEP READING: Samuel L. Jackson Drops the Mic (and a Marvel Reference) on Late Late Show

(Original source)

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